What does it mean to be Net Zero?

Humans have advanced in technology and achieved globalization. However, much of it came at a price. We compromised on our planet's health and left behind huge human footprints. Today we are going through the aftermath of industrialization and are seeing a change in our climatic conditions. Our planet is becoming warmer than usual, which is not ideal for the planet and humankind. 

Industries like the conventional construction industry are contributing largely to the overall climate change, which is why we need energy-efficient real estate to combat these issues. The conventional buildings are known to embody carbon that comes from the material used and the construction process itself. This carbon needs to be reduced down by using environmentally friendly materials and renewable energy in the construction process.

Tackling climate change is one of the top priorities worldwide, and one way that can be done is by reaching net zero. But before we dive in deeper, we need to know about net-zero.

What is net-zero?

Net-zero refers to the balance created between greenhouse gas emissions and the amount of greenhouse gas removed from the atmosphere. Consider it as a bathtub with the water taps on; if you want to create a balance of water in the tub, you can either turn down the water taps (emissions) or drain an equal amount down the drain (emission removal from the atmosphere). 

Reaching net-zero applies the same principle, requiring us to balance the number of greenhouse gases we emit with the amount we remove. We add in and eliminate the same proportions, which cause the balance. However, zero emissions and zero carbon are very different concepts, as they usually mean that no emissions were produced in the first place.

What is the difference between zero gas and net-zero?

Given the harmful effects of emissions caused by the gas on the overall climate, we may begin to wonder why we are not aiming at gross zero gas emissions rather than the net-zero. Gross zero means we stop emitting any harmful gases, which is not possible realistically. 

Net-zero covers all types of emissions, allowing removal of unnecessary and avoidable emissions such as those from planes or the manufacturing industries. Greenhouse gases can be removed by natural means, such as by planting trees as they take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or through technology, or by revamping the industrial processes. 

Why is net-zero so important?

Achieving the net-zero in gas emissions is critical for our future generations. We do not want to leave behind a hazardous planet for our children. Net-zero is by far the best method to tackle climate change, which can result in a reduction in global warming. This is why most countries have created targets to achieve after certain years to fight climate change.


Evo Haven is playing a pivotal role in solving the global warming issue by constructing environmentally sustainable container houses. Moreover, Evo Opportunity Fund is committed to developing energy-efficient real estate in Qualified Opportunity Zones by creating sustainable housing for all. Evo promises to utilize the radical tax breaks provided by Opportunity Zones. The timing for this opportunity is now.


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